Do you need to get your Android or Iphone 4-5-6-7-8 repaired uptown in Harlem? Let me guess you don't want to go all the way dowtown to the Apple store for your iPhone repairs. Do you have a cracked screen, water damaged phone, or charging port not working? Do you need data recovery or iPhone screen replacement? We can help you with your mobile Harlem Iphone repair or Ipad repair. Consider us your Harlem cellphone doctor. Our Iphone mechanic will meet you at your job or home anywhere in Harlem , Spanish Harlem, or Upper Manhattan or the to fix your iphone8 on the spot. Our mobile Cellphone Repair guy will meet you at your job or home on 96th st, 125th st, or in Washington Heights. Give us a call at 917.909.6232 to tell us about your phone issue. It could be a simple fix or something more complex. Doesn't matter to us. This is for Apple Iphone repairs only. We also repair iphones in the Bronx, Brooklyn, and queens.